Friday, November 21, 2008


I think my photot story was good but it was hard work but it was also fun.i think that the final product took longer to make then what i thought it would because i thought passining the photos to photostory would take 3min but it actually took around 40min, then to pass it to photostory i thought would take 1 to 2min and i was correct. then to put the photos in order i thought it would take 2min but it actually took around 4min. then putting the text i thought would take 3min but it took like 1 or 2min. i thought the recording would take 3min but it took like 10min. the music i thought i would put was je ne veux pa traviell but at the end i put a classic music because it was to hard to put a song from the internet.


Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008



Friday, September 19, 2008

today i completely finished my investigation and I printed it and handed it in to the teacher and then i could do what every i want so i did things on the internet.
today i finished my investigation at least the question part. but today in class we didnt behave very well and i am very sorry for that.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


our big project for french class is going to be photostory 3 we will use it to make a short film our if you like to call it digital story but in the extra weeks that we have we are going to learn about photoshop and how to use it and then i guess we will use it to manipulate photos.

Friday, September 5, 2008

today i started the investigation i got up to question 4 i did alot of research and ity was very fun.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


today was the first time in it in year 8 we put some of our friends blogs and we so what the subject for this term is going to be in other words today we found out what we are going to study.

Friday, May 30, 2008

30 may

today i finished the plan and i started to do my final prodact and i already did 3 graphs. i also read my hole project until now and i saw if it was all okay.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


today i finished my investigation and started the plan the plan seem like it will take me a long time but the good news is that i already finished part of it.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

13 MAY

Today i got my investigation corected most of it was fine exept for one thing that was the introduction but the rst was fine i also worked on my design i finished question 1, 2 and half of 3 oh and we had good luck today we could sit where ever we wanted.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

TODAY I FINISHED THE QUESTION IN MY investigation that tells you to see the population of the countries in the world i also got my grade test and i was proud of it.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Today i had nearly finished my investigation i finished explaining all the graphs and i got to the part where i choose my countries and i say there population for know i only did that for europe and i didnt finish puting the population.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

finishing investigation

today i nearly finished my investigation i got to question four and in question three i put a picture of the simble of the graph and explaind how you came make this graph and what would it present well.

Friday, April 4, 2008

april 4

today i finished the tutoriuls and i did a nother practice and once again i learned alot, i and also saw the diffrence between excel 2003 and excel 2007 and excel 2007 is way better.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

1 of april

Today was april fuels day and we did some tutorials and we did the exercise of the tutorial but this time i a learned from the tutorial i learned that we can use the key board to use excel like to use everythnig i also learned some fetures that i didnt know like the text wraping

Friday, March 28, 2008


I think the first day of it was good and that the teacher is very kind. What i think about the project is: i think it wont be to hard and that we have plenty of time to do it what i think about the test is diffrent i think it will be a bit harder then the project but i think everything will be fine. I think listning to the tutorials might be a bit boring thats why i am looking less forward to it but in total i think this is going to be a great term. and its going to be very fun espacially because of our teacher.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

march 11

i was not here i am in ski snowboarding and craching.

march 7

today i handed everything in and i was pretty proud of it so i did all of that and it was my last lesson of it for the term so i tryed to enjoy it and i actually did.

march 4

today i continued to work on my design and i got it finished and it was kind of at some of the last parts then i started my plan wich was kind of easy,


today what we did in it was two parts of the design cycle the plan and the design so i think it was pretty fun and i got everything done in time and it was actually very easy.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

february 26

today we started to to the humanties pamphlet and of course we played for 15 minutes concentration games and tyyping games which was really fun in the pamphlet i got up to plan it.

friday the 22

today we played for 15 minutes in the biginig of class well more corectl we played for the whole first period and then we learned hhow to make a paphlet so we did a fake one wich nedded to includ:an image in each of the 3 columns· a drop cap· 2 different fonts· Justify your columns· caption below image· bold text· italics· underlined text· red and green typepage border only along the top of the . we also got new concentration games.

tuesday nintinth

Today we had an assembaly so the class was cut short but we still had time to do things like typing concentration games and we could even work on our humanties work in class

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


today we didnt have a lesson.


today i finaly finished my investigation and i played a bit at the end of the lesson and iwe inserted colems in word it was very fun. well ofcourse we also played for 15 minutes the typing games and we also played the puzzle game.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today in IT we tryed to finish the investigation but i didnt i still have one question to finish. we where suppose to learn how to do some thing but at the end we didnt have time so we didnt we also as usal we played typing games at the first period for more then just fiften minutes.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

today in t i tryed to finish the investigation but i didnt i got to the last chapter but i think that next lesson i will finish it. and then i think we will do a pamphlet about rome or mis will show us how to do a pamphlet.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

today i played typing games and then we stared an investigation about software and hardware.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Investigate, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate. today i also learned the design cicle of by heart. it was vey easy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Today in it i played typing games fpor 15 minutes. then i did a guiz and my teacher showed me how to use google skechup. i also helped my friend do something on the computer.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

reflection on microsoft office practice

today i did the microsoft office practice i learned some new things but most of them i already new how to do the practice was very easy. today i also did 15 minutes of typing lessons and typing games it was cool and fun.