Friday, March 28, 2008


I think the first day of it was good and that the teacher is very kind. What i think about the project is: i think it wont be to hard and that we have plenty of time to do it what i think about the test is diffrent i think it will be a bit harder then the project but i think everything will be fine. I think listning to the tutorials might be a bit boring thats why i am looking less forward to it but in total i think this is going to be a great term. and its going to be very fun espacially because of our teacher.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

march 11

i was not here i am in ski snowboarding and craching.

march 7

today i handed everything in and i was pretty proud of it so i did all of that and it was my last lesson of it for the term so i tryed to enjoy it and i actually did.

march 4

today i continued to work on my design and i got it finished and it was kind of at some of the last parts then i started my plan wich was kind of easy,


today what we did in it was two parts of the design cycle the plan and the design so i think it was pretty fun and i got everything done in time and it was actually very easy.